Postdoc position available in the Tate lab at Vanderbilt University

The Postdoctoral Scholar will take an interdisciplinary approach to study the constraints and trade- offs that shape the evolution of immune signaling networks using a combination of transcriptomic analyses, evolutionary genomics, and/or computational modeling. The postdoc will work directly with the PI to build models, design analytical pipelines, and analyze the results. The postdoc should be comfortable with conducting research with a high degree of independence, learning new methods, writing manuscripts, and presenting their work at conferences. The postdoc should also be willing to co-mentor undergraduate and graduate students. The postdoc will have flexibility to develop independent lines of research during their appointment. The position is available as early as summer 2019, and the start date is negotiable.

Please send a CV and a cover letter (1-2 pages) describing research interests and experience, future career goals, and reason for interest in this particular position. Please include the contact information for three academic references at the end of the cover letter. Using the email header “Postdoc position interest,” please send these materials to

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