What kind of workshops do we run?
We conduct annual 3-day workshops in which RCN members and collaborators bring together relevant datasets, mathematical models and/or multi-scale statistical methods, to frame and answer the question at hand (see Workshop Topics). In addition to formal presentations, we set aside time for participants to work in small groups to refine the theory and statistical analyses and to design the next set of experiments required. At each workshop, data from at least 2 infectious diseases are analyzed, with explicit daily discussion of the similarities and differences between systems, datasets and methodologies.
3 principal workshop outcomes:
1) new analytical results prompting manuscripts and grant proposals
2) new collaborations
3) publicly available resources, including both data and models
What are workshop attendees expected to do?
Workshop attendees are expected to present relevant data and theory in short formal presentations, and (even more importantly!) to participate fully in discussions, real-time development of statistical, mathematical and experimental approaches to studying the evolution of infectious diseases. We will support travel and subsistence for 25 workshop participants per year. If you are interested in attending, please APPLY HERE on the timeline indicated.